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Tsippi Fleischer


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The result is always expressive… at 40 minutes plus, the longest work, the cantata Like Two Branches is a long work and a compelling one…


The fascinating cantata is based on poems by the 6th century Bedouin poetess – Al-Khansa. The two branches represent the poetess and her brother who was killed in a duel. The demanding work displays the high level of the Cameran Singers, of the soloists and accompanying musicians, as well as of the percussion instruments performed by the outstanding Chen Zimbalista.
... The disc, which has been highly praised throughout the world, starts out with the composer’s voice stating: “I have a wish – to demonstrate my great love of the Arabic language”. And indeed, one senses this love in the music as well.
Tsippi, you may still bring peace to us here…

Shmuel Perets, GITIT (Published by The Israel Jeunesses Musicales), No. 112, March 1994

About Like Two Branches: How fitting, then, it is that Fleischer, a Western-trained Israeli composer, should devote an entire CD to music which she composed on Arabic texts! The language is richly evocative, depicting the idealized love of brother and sister, pastoral images, battle scenes and the sister's grief-crazed laments; these images allow the composer to explore a wide range of musical styles... The performance is excellent; the Cameran Singers, for whom the work was composed, are for the most part heroic in realizing this demanding music with its wide vocal ranges, difficult melodic twists and turns, tricky chromatic inflections; complex rhythmic figures, complicated polyphony and, of course, linguistic challenges.
On a smaller scale, Fleischer's Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo (1987) is a poignant and lyrical piece in five sections… the instrumental writing provides an effective backdrop to the vocal, solo...
Tsippi Fleischer has a distinctive musical voice. Deeply imbued with the histories, languages and music of several peoples, she brings a unique perspective to the East/West cultural dialogue.

Myrna Nachman, IAWM (International Alliance of Women in Music) Journal, October 1995


CD Track List - "ARABISCHE TEXTUREN, Art Music Settings of Arabic Poetry"

The Composer’s Credo Play

Ballad of Expected Death in Cairo Play

“A Girl Dreamed She Was a Butterfly” (Song No. 4 from Girl-Butterfly-Girl – version for choir; sung in Arabic) Play

Like Two Branches